What is Title One?
Title One is a federal program that gives additional funds to schools. The school district is required to provide certain items crucial to running a school—such as a building, teachers, and textbooks. Title One funds, however, are supplemental funds, and used to improve the instructional program of the school. Fairfax received $1,044,978 in Title One funds for the current 2017-2018 school year (and a combined total of $1,4507,910 including Parent Involvement and the new Targeted Student Population budgets).
The amount of money the school receives is based on the number of students that qualify for free or reduced-prices meals on campus. Families can submit an application to participate in the federal meals program either by filling out a paper application or applying online. In addition to free or reduced-price meals on campus, eligible students can also receive free admission to the SAT and ACT college admissions tests, pay a reduced price for each Advanced Placement examination, and even apply to college or university for free.
How is the money spent?
Each year, the School Site Council (SSC) creates a budget for the following school year. The SSC is a 16-member council, consisting of the principal, teachers, out-of-classroom personnel, parents and students. The SSC also receives recommendations from the ELAC (English Learners’ Advisory Committee).
The budgetary and policy decisions must align with the Fairfax Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). This document is created jointly by the ELAC and SSC, and serves as the guiding document for the school to improve student learning. Schools can make changes to the Title One budget during the school year, as long as the changes are supported by the SPSA.
Give us your input!
We want to hear what you think. Please take a few minutes to answer this 5-question survey about how we can improve student achievement at Fairfax High School. Click here: https://forms.office.com/r/ckNJVmpi2c
Annual Title One meeting is Friday, October 28, 2022 at 9am on Zoom. The Zoom ID is 988 5471 7625. Please join us to learn more about this important program that strives to improve academic outcomes here at Fairfax. For more information read the Title One letter below.