School Policies
(Expected Schoolwide Learning Results) Fairfax High School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges - the highest accrediting program available.
- Students will demonstrate academic competence, with particular emphasis on language arts and mathematics literacy.
- Students will demonstrate effective English communication, critical thinking, research and technology skills.
- Students will demonstrate personal responsibility, tolerance for individual differences and participation in school and community life.
- Students will set and pursue appropriate college and career goals.
The purpose of Fairfax High School is to enable students to receive the best academic and social education possible. Students are expected to behave in a friendly, businesslike manner and to treat both fellow students and staff with courtesy and respect. Students and adults should treat all persons equally and respectfully and refrain from use of slurs against any person on the basis of race, language spoken, color, sex, physical appearance, religion, handicap, national origin, immigration status, age, sexual orientation or political belief.
These Behavior Rules and Procedures are designed to provide a safe and orderly environment at Fairfax High School.
- SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION: Federal Law, Title IX, prohibits anyone at a school from discriminating against any student on the basis of gender and prohibits sexual harassment.
- ZERO TOLERANCE: The District maintains a "zero tolerance policy" for any type of dangerous object. Dangerous objects include, but are not limited to, knives (including Swiss Army-style knives), exacto knives, utility knives, razor blades, martial arts combat equipment, clubs, brass knuckles, explosives, and any type of firearm or BB Pellet gun, including tazer and replica (toy) guns. Any student who inadvertently brings a prohibited object onto campus should turn it in to an administrator immediately; doing so will avoid disciplinary consequences. Any student found in possession of a firearm will automatically be recommended for expulsion from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
- STUDENT I.D. CARDS: Students must carry Fairfax I.D. cards with them at all times so that they can easily identify themselves as members of the high school community. These cards are vital to the students' access to library materials, textbooks, cafeteria, student store, bus passes, athletic and student activities. Students are expected to present their I.D. cards up on request to school authorities and are subject to disciplinary action (5 hours of detention should they fail to comply with such request). The cost of a replacement card is $3 in the student store. Pictures can be taken every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m.
- PERSONAL BUSINESS: Students must conduct personal business at times other than class time. Cell phones may only be used before and after school or during nutrition or lunch. Student telephone use in the offices is prohibited except for school business and/or extreme emergencies.
- PASSES: Students are expected to be in their classes. An office summons, health office pass, library pass, student activity pass, service worker pass, and hall passes are exceptions. Fairfax I.D. is required to leave cl;ass for anv reason. Visitor passes to adults are given only with prior notification and approval from an administrator/designee.
- STATE LAUSD POLICY STATES: Students may not have electronic games or devices, laser pen lightspointers, IPOD, camera phones in use during school hours. If they are used on campus, they will be confiscated and returned at the end of the semester. The school does not assume liability for items stolen from our possession. Cell Phones--- If students bring cell phones to campus they must be turned off and kept in bookbags or purses (must not be visible.) They can be used before and after school only. If students are found using a cell phone or with a "turned on" "cell phone between 8:00 and 3:08 p.m. the phone will be confiscated. The cell phone will be returned to the Parent/Guardian only. On PD Tuesdays all confiscated items are returned to students after school.
- SKATEBOARDS AND BICYCLES: If a skateboard must be used for transportation to and from school, it must be kept in the dean's/counselor's office (not in a locker) while at school. Skate boarding, roller blading, skooter riding are not allowed on campus at any time. At the student's risk, bicycles may be locked in the bike rack on campus.
- AUTOMOBILES AND PARKING: Student parking is available at the Rosewood & Fairfax lot on a first come basis. Students must park on the street when lot is full. Students are not allowed to be in the parking lot during school hours. Students are not permitted to park in "designated" spaces nor in the faculty parking lot. Violators are subject to ticket/towing.
- LOCKERS: Lockers are issued from the Attendance Office during the first two weeks of school during the 1st five minutes of nutrition, lunch, and after school. Locker combination codes may be obtained from the Textbook Room. Students having locker problems can get help in the attendance office. Students are not to share lockers. Expensive items should not be kept in lockers. The school does not assume responsibility for stolen items. Padlocks may not be used on lockers. They will be cut off.
- SERIOUS MISCONDUCT: Continued defiance of school rules may result in suspension, detention, expulsion and/or opportunity transfer. Inappropriate intimate contact will not be tolerated. Fighting, possession of weapons, and dangerous/harmful objects, graffiti related materials, alcohol, or drugs*, arson, setting false fire alarms, stealing, robbery, vandalism, water fights (balloons and water pistols), or extortion will result in suspension, being sited and receiving a ticket, an opportunity transfer andlor possible expulsion. (*There is a zero tolerance policy and legal consequences for any possession and/or use of alcohol or drugs, any sharp objects or weapons on campus.)
- TARDY POLICY: Students must avoid tardies or experience the consequences. Students receiving their 3rd tardy and every subsequent tardy in any one class will receive one hour detention (to be served after-school). We will also have tardy seeps after nutrition and lunch. If a student does not present a valid tardy sweep pass, they will be charged with a classroom tardy. We will sweep all parts of campus including: Bathrooms, Stairwells, P.E. Bungalows, and All Buildings. Continued defiance of school policy will result in the following: Suspension & Possible O.T. GET TO CLASS ON TIME!
- PERIODS WITHOUT AN ASSIGNED CLASS AND/OR DESIGNATED PERSONAL: If the student has a schedule without period one, the student must wait in front of the school until the passing bell rings to go to period 2; if the student has no period 5 or 6, the student must leave campus before the beginning of per. 5 or be subject to consequences. Magnet students riding the magnet bus with no period 1 must report to the magnet office until Period 2.
- COMING AND GOING: The Attendance Office is the center of all the comings and goings at the FAX. When you must leave school early; bring a note signed by your parent or guardian to the office before 9:00 a.m. It must state why you are to leave early, be signed and include a daytime phone number so it may be verified. During the school day, all students and visitors must enter through the front door. When you return following the absence, bring a note from home, signed by your parent or guardian, stating the dates absent and the reason why. You will be issued a Permit to Re-enter Class (PRC.) The Attendance Office opens at 7:30 a.m. You should arrive in time to complete your business before your first class. Students not in school between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. will be sited for truancy by school police. Students arriving to school in a middle of the period must remain outside the front door until the end of that period and will receive an escort if no note is presented from their parents.
- COUNSELORS. DEANS AND SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST: Your counselor will be your advisor until graduation. Assignments are alphabetical by the first initial of your last name. Counselors, including the ESL Counselor, are located in the Main Building Counseling Office, while the Magnet Counselor is in Room 123; the Career Advisor and College Counselor are in Room 201-N and 200; the Deans are in the Main Building Discipline Office; and the School Psychologist is in Room 106A.
- SELLING: The sale of any merchandise on campus not approved by the Assistant Principal in charge of Student Activities is prohibited and will result in disciplinary actions.
- DRESS CODE: In order to maintain an appropriate educational atmosphere and ensure safety and security for all students, the dress code will be strictly enforced. Appropriate dress is required during all school hours and at all school functions. Unsafe, unsanitary, or otherwise distracting clothing is prohibited. (The Shared Leadership Council of Fairfax High School reserves the right, if necessary, to add items to this list, especially any and all items which may become associated with gang membership and/or may impact the safety/security of the campus.)
All school personnel, including teachers, deans, counselors, office personnel, campus aides, police and administrators have the right to confiscate all head coverings (i.e. hatslcaps, beanies, dew-rags, head scarfs) that are not approved by the School Leadership Council and are not sold by the student store. Only the approved hat may be worn outside of the building. Confiscated items will be sent to the Deans office where they remain until the end of the semester.
Students who refuse to surrender a hat or other prohibited article will be subiect to disciplinary procedures for defiance. Students whose clothing is in violation of the Dress Code will be sent to the counselor where their parent/guardian will be contacted and requested to bring suitable clothing or, if the parent/guardian approves, the student will be sent home to change clothing. Students may be detained in the office if they are in violation of the Dress Code. Students who continually violate the Dress Code may be subject to disciplinary procedures for defiance. To reiterate: appropriate dress (the type of clothing that you would wear to a job) is required during all school hours and at all school functions. Unsafe, unsanitary, or otherwise distracting clothing is prohibited.
Students are NOT PERMITTED TO WEAR: Gang-related attire such as, but not limited to:
- Over-sized pants and cut off pants with high socks.
- Pants that are worn or fall below the hips. (Without the belt, pants must be snug at the hips.) Infractions will result in a disciplinary action and the student may be sent home.
- Gang writings, colors, or other emblems including emblems or initials on belt buckles.
- Hair nets, showertdew rags or wave caps, hair styles or clothing which signifies affiliation or association with any off- campus group or gang.
- Handkerchiefs/bandanas (rags), gang color shoelaces, extra long belts.
- "Pendleton" type shirts buttoned to the neck, or clothing with gang identification.
- Sunglasses worn in any buildings, classrooms, or offices.
- Visible gang tattoos. All head coverings (hats, caps or hoods of any type) are to be removed upon entering all buildings including cafeteria or classrooms/hallways of the campus. Curlers or hair rollers do not belong at school. Shoes are required. House slippers, shower slippers or bare feet are not acceptable.
Underwear for both sexes and bra straps should be covered and should not be visible. Excessive bare skin is inappropriate. This includes bare midriffs, backs, shoulders, chest or cleavage. Tank tops, bathing suit-type tops, undershirts, halter-tops, very short skirts, short shorts and see-through clothing should stay in the closet. Skirts, shorts and lits in skirts may be no shorter than halfway between the knee and hip. Message clothing which is obscene or vulgar, sexually suggestive, inflammatory in nature, or gang, drug or alcohol related is prohibited. When in doubt, wear something else.
- FEELING ILL OR INJURED: The health office in the Main Building is the place to go if you become ill or are injured during school. You need a Health Office Pass from your teacher to go during class time. If you are too ill to remain in school, Health Office personnel will contact your parentlguardian for permission to send you home. If you are injured during P.E. or in a classroom, report it to your teacher at once.
- MEDICATIONS: The Education Code provides that any pupil who is required to take (during the regular school day) medication prescribed for him by a physician, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the school district receives (1) a written statement from, such physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken and (2) a written statement from the parent or guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school district assist the pupil in the matters set forth in the physician's statement. (Students may not carry or use medication on campus without written consent.) Over-the-counter drugs are not administered in the Health Office at any time or for any reason.
- MEAL PLAN APPLICATIONS: All Fairfax families are required to complete an application.
- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Students and parents are responsible for maintaining current information on school records. If there are changes of address or other information, give the appropriate changes to the attendance office and health office. In case of an emergency, the information is vital.
- COLLEGE COUNSELOR AND CAREER ADVISOR: In room 201-N and room 200, the advisors assist all students with college and career information, college applications, financial aid, work experience opportunities, and a variety of career and part-time employment information. The advisors visit classes, and students are invited to visit their offices during nutrition, lunch, and after school. Appointments are made with students for class periods.
- ELIGIBILITY: Participation in sports and other extra-curricular activities requires eligibility. Be certain to work with your coach, leadership or club sponsor, or an administrator to be sure you maintain your eligibility.
- EMERGENCY CARDS: Emergency cards are required for each student. The information is essential in case of an emergency or when a parent cannot be reached, the emergency card provides the additional people that the school may contact to obtain assistance for the student. Be sure that the information is current.
- EMERGENCY AND FIRE DRILLS: Fire drills, as required by law, will be held at regular intervals. Such practice is important and should be approached seriously. When students leave the building for an earthquake (drill), they are to go to their period two class's emergency location on the athletic field.
- FAIRFAX MAGNET CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS: The magnet offers a special program to prepare students for careers in visual and communication arts. Students take four foundation classes in Drawing, Computer Graphics, Three-Dimensional Design, and Photography, with advanced classes available in these areas. A portfolio of artwork is maintained, and academic preparation for college is emphasized. While enrolled in the magnet, students may participate in the home school's activities and opportunities. The Magnet office is Room 123; the coordinator may be reached at (323) 651-5200 ext. 233.
- GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: The requirements for graduation are determined by state law and district policy. Be certain that you have the current graduation requirements for your graduation year. The requirements are changing and are becoming more demanding. See your counselor for a copy of your graduation requirements. The graduation ceremony is a privilege. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, students must have met all credit, subject, citizenship, attendance, and proficiency requirements. Students must also complete all required testing to be eligible for participation in the graduation ceremony.
- HOMEWORK: Homework is an important part of a student's education. On average in high school, students can expect to have approximately an hour of homework per day per academic class. This varies somewhat based on individual teachers and students; however, even if there is less assigned homework, the student needs to allocate the time to studying, reviewing, reading, writing, and working on the ESLRs/content standards. The practice of a regular scheduled study time, a minimum of five days per week, will bring rewards in knowledge, higher marks, and increased self esteem.
- IMPACT/TUPE: Are you having family problems, grief or loss, problems with alcohol, drugs or tobacco? Help is available in a confidential and supportive environment. Project 10, a program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teens, also offers support to students.
- LIBRARY HOURS: The library is open from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. daily; it is closed one period a day, on a rotating basis. Students come to the library during open periods with a pink library pass from the classroom teacher. 20,000 books await you!
- LOST AND FOUND: When students lose or find an article, the item should be reported/taken to the Textbook Room. Please check on lost items at nutrition, lunch, or before or after school.
- MARK REPORTING: Marks are reported to parents every five weeks. If you do not receive the marks, please contact the school counseling or attendance office immediately. (The most common reason is a change of address that has not been reported to the attendance office.)
- MELROSE TRADING POST, PTSA, AND FAIRFAX ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: These groups are influential in supporting the goals of Fairfax High School and are open to participation. The meeting dates are posted and are available at the school.
- TEXTBOOKS: Textbooks are your responsibility. Textbooks will be checked out and returned through the textbook room. Textbooks must be returned with the bar code intact. Keep them covered and return them in the condition you received them. Failure to return textbooks or pay for lost textbooks will result in a hold on your transcripts and high school diploma.
- TUTORING: First ask your teacher. Many teachers arrive at school early in the morning and are happy to assist students. Help is also available in the library every school day during lunch. Members of the California Scholarship Federation are there to help in all subjects. Math and writing teachers are available in after school labs. See your counselor for tutorial information.
- SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARD: The district annuallv issues a School Accountability Report Card for each school. A copy of the Report Card is available upon request at the school site.
- RESTITUTION OF MONIES: The Education Code, Section 48909 provides that the parent or guardian of a minor is liable to a school district for all property loaned to and failed to be returned or willfully damaged by the minor. It also authorizes local school districts to adopt a policy whereby the marks, iploma, or transcripts of these students would be withheld until the pupil or parenti guardian pays for the damages or returns the property.
- NONDISCRIMINATION: The LAUSD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender (including sexual harassment), physical or mental disability, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices, in compliance with federal civil rights laws. State laws and district policies further provide that the District does not discriminate on the basis of religion, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, medical condition (cancer related), political belief or affiliation.
- SPECIAL EDUCATION AND STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students with identified physical, emotional, learning, or developmental disabilities may receive special education services according to a written Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students with disabilities have the right to placement in the least-restrictive environment to meet their needs.
- UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES: Available in the school offices or from the assistant principal, are the procedures and forms in order to report complaints regarding state regulations and laws or unlawful discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, sex, color, physical or mental disability (including AIDS), medical condition (cancer related), marital status, ancestry, or political belief or affiliation or in retaliation.
At all times it is extremely important that all students follow one simple guideline. All students must stay off all other school campuses. You are not allowed to visit other students or teachers on any other campus at any time. In the past, some students have made arrangements to visit a teacher on another campus and may have received approval from that teacher for the visit. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to make those arrangements with other teachers. If you show up on another school campus, no excuse will be acceptable. Disciplinary action, including suspension, may result. Your name may be taken and included in a police report. Please note: Visiting without a permit are loiters, Penal Code, State of California, 653g:
At all times it is extremely important that all students follow one simple guideline. All students must stay off all other school campuses. You are not allowed to visit other students or teachers on any other campus at any time. In the past, some students have made arrangements to visit a teacher on another campus and may have received approval from that teacher for the visit. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to make those arrangements with other teachers. If you show up on another school campus, no excuse will be acceptable. Disciplinary action, including suspension, may result. Your name may be taken and included in a police report. Please note: Visiting without a permit are loiters, Penal Code, State of California, 653g:
"Every person who loiters about any school or public place at or near which children attend or normally congregate IS A VAGRANT, and is punishable by a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment."
Fairfax High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave the campus at any time without an appropriate pass issued from the attendance office.
Designated areas of the campus are off limits to students during nutrition and lunch. (athletic fields, bleachers, 400 bldg., bungalow areas, parking lots, and the baseball diamond.) Students found within these off limit unsupervised areas will be subject to disciplinary action.
Restrooms are to be used for their intended purposes. They are neither a lunch area nor a meeting hall. Loitering in or around the restrooms is not permitted. Please keep the restroom clean and graffiti free.
Fairfax High School, which opened its doors in 1924, was named after Lord Thomas Fairfax (1693-1781) an English Baron who lived in colonial Virginia and was a friend of George Washington. The coat-of-arms of the Fairfax Family included the Rampant Lion, so the lion became the school mascot. The auditorium and rotunda, with its statue of Abraham Lincoln, were dedicated in 1926; Greenway Court was added in 1942. Because Fairfax did not meet earthquake safety standards, 1966 was the last year of the old school. The original structure was disassembled, brick by brick, and the present buildings were dedicated in 1968.
All that remains of the old school are the rotunda and auditorium which, because of their unique beauty, were preserved and reinforced. In 2000 Greenway Court was remodeled and is now a non-equity theater. The heritage and gifts of Fairfax High School demonstrate the power of education and the community spirit that we continue to nurture in all of our students and graduates.
Fairfax High School will not accept cheating. Cheating is any dishonest action used to benefit the individuals involved. The following are (but are not limited to) some examples of cheating;
Cheating is:
On a test:
- Copying on a test.
- Letting someone copy from your test.
- Looking at someone's test.
- Talking or communicating in any way during a test.
- Using notes or cheat sheets during a test.
- Having cheat sheets or unauthorized notes out or visible in any way during a test, even if you're not using them.
- Giving answers on a test.
- Getting questions and/or answers before the test.
- Giving questions and/or answers before the test.
- Clearly intending to use notes or cheat sheets even before the test begins. (For example, having notes written on the desk is clearly intention to cheat even if the teacher notices them and the student erases them before the test begins)
First Offense: Zero credit on test.
Second Offense: Zero credit on test, note to counselor, phone call to parent, automatic "U" in work habits on the next progress report.
Third Offense: All of the above, plus the student's other teachers will be notified.
On Homework or Class work
On assignments not specifically designated as group or pair work:
- Copying part or all of someone's work.
- Giving your work to be copied.
- Copying or giving your work to be copied.
- Plagiarism:
- copying out of a previously published source, such as a book, magazine, newspaper, or internet, without proper citations.
- copying out a previously published source and just changing some of the words without proper citations.
- copying an assignment that a student did in previous semesters.
- Giving your work from previous semesters to be copied.
- Turning in someone else's work as your own.
- Asking another student to do all or part of a project, including art projects.
- Doing all or part of another student's project, including art projects.
- First Offense: Grade on that assignment lowered, possibly to zero, depending on how much is done dishonestly.
- Second Offense: Grade on that assignment lowered, possibly to zero
- Note to counselor
- Phone call to parent
- Automatic "U" in work habits on next progress report
- Third Offense: All of the above, plus the student's other teachers will be notified.
Academic Eligibility: Students who wish to participate in athletics or other extracurricular activities must maintain an overall 2.0 grade point average on the 10 week and 20 week semester report card. An ineligibility list is prepared at the end of each 10 week grading period.
Fairfax High School uses four grading periods: 5-week, 10-week, 15-week and Final. Final marks are given at the end of the semester and include grades and credits earned.
Subject grades shall be defined as:
- A = Outstanding
- B = Above average
- C = Average
- D = Below average
- F = Failing
- / = Passing grade C or higher
- NM = No Mark
No Mark: A no mark is to be used for students who have been enrolled less than three weeks and for whom no transfer grades have been received.
Citizenship Marks: Citizenship is indicated on the student report cards to keep parents and guardians informed.