Graduation Requirements
LAUSD believes that students need to have a well-rounded experience in high school, which includes academic, life skills and service experiences. That is why, out of the current total of 230 credits you need to graduate from high school, only 160 of them come from core course requirements (marked by a (C) in the table below). The remaining 70 credits come from electives (courses you choose according to your own interests). In addition, LAUSD is adding requirements to promote well-roundedness in their students. In 2004, LAUSD started to require the ability to demonstrate computer literacy, either through class study or through a performance assignment. In 2006 LAUSD asked students to select a career pathway as well.
Beginning with the class of 2017, the total amount of credits will be lowered to 210. Students must also pass the minimum A-G 15-course sequence with a C or higher. This is in order to help students become eligible for UC and CSU entry. If a student earns a grade lower than a C, he/she must either repeat the course and earn a C grade or better, or validate the course by earning a C in a more advanced course.
In order to help assure students were academically equipped to compete in our fast-changing world, students who graduated in 2003 were asked to demonstrate competency in English, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Writing. In 2004, LAUSD implemented the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), a state-wide test which was required in order to receive a diploma.
Perhaps most importantly, it is possible for students to meet all the requirements for graduation and still not be eligible for college admission. As more and more students apply for college, these colleges have the option to choose students who go beyond the minimum in course work and extra-curricular activities. The best way for you to make sure your course selections are consistent with your future plans is to work closely with your College Counselor.