DEADLINE for Preference Sheet

DEADLINE for Preference Sheet

Good morning Fairfax Staff,
In accordance with the Uniform Staffing Procedures (Article IX-A, Section 2.0, Section B of the District/UTLA Agreement), please complete the Teacher Preference Sheet linked below. This form should be completed by all certificated staff, including out-of-classroom personnel such as coordinators and counselors.
Kindly submit your completed preference sheet no later than Friday, March 7, 2025.
Please note:

  1. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be shared with your UTLA representative and administration.
  2. The 2025-2026 Matrix will be posted in April 2025.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Link to preference Sheet

Alex Bozin                                                 

Assistant Principal, Secondary Counseling Services

Fairfax High School Police and Visual Arts Magnets

7850 Melrose Ave. 

Los Angeles, CA 90046

Office Number: 323-370-1200

Google Voice Number: 562-758-0995

Fax: 323-651-5803

Email: [email protected]


LAUSD - Region West

Community School/Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Police Academy Magnet, & Visual Arts Magnet

Gifted High Ability/Gifted Magnet 2025-2026

"Unleash the Greatness!"

7850 Melrose Avenue

Los Angeles, California 90046

323-370-1200 School      323-651-5803  Fax 


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