VAM Chalk Art Festival

VAM Chalk Art Festival


Hi Fairfax colleagues! 

This spring semester, the Visual Arts Magnet is presenting the 2025 Chalk Art Festival! It is an all-day event, and it will take place on March 27th. 

The application is now available — students are free to come by my classroom (505) OR message me via Schoology or my LAUSD email. The applications are due on March 3rd. The flyer is attached, and you are more than welcome to share this exciting opportunity with your students! Students are to work together in teams of 4-5 to transform the Upper Quad area into vibrant works of art, while showing off their talents as they are creating fun and engaging memories! 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact me! 😎

Many thanks, 
Ms. Balaguer

Drew Balaguer

FHS - Visual Arts Magnet Teacher
2024 CAEA Rookie of the Year Award


Leonard Choi, Principal

LAUSD - Region West

Community School/Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS), Police Academy Magnet, & Visual Arts Magnet

Gifted High Ability/Gifted Magnet 2025-2026

"Unleash the Greatness!"

7850 Melrose Avenue

Los Angeles, California 90046

323-370-1200 School      323-651-5803  Fax 

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Balaguer, Drew

Wed 1/22/2025 9:54 AM
Hi good morning Mr. Choi, I hope you are having a great week! I was wondering if you can share my exciting message to all teachers and staff: Hi Fairfax colleagues! This spring semester, the Visual Arts Magnet is presenting the 2025 Chalk Art Festival! It is

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