RW Kangaroo Math Competition @ Fairfax HS

RW Kangaroo Math Competition @ Fairfax HS

Hello Everyone,

Dear Math Kangaroo Teams,
We are excited for the upcoming Math Kangaroo 2025 Competition on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at Fairfax High School (7850 Melrose).
Funding Updates & Allowable Uses
All schools should have received their funding by now. The funding program code for Math Kangaroo is 15260. If you have any concerns regarding funding, please reach out as soon as possible.
The funding provided covers:
✔ Teacher coaching for Math Kangaroo preparation
✔ Practice and prep materials for students and teachers (if needed)
✔ Buses for student transportation
Transportation & Lunch Logistics
🚍 Bus Orders: Schools must order buses for transportation. The earliest available pick-up time is 9:00 AM, with the goal of arriving at Fairfax High School by 9:30-9:45 AM. We will be departing Fairfax High School between 1:00-1:30 PM.
🍽 Student Lunches: Schools must also order student lunches for the day. While Region West will provide students with a snack, schools are still responsible for ensuring students receive their regular lunch.
Test Administration & Proctoring Guidelines
To ensure a smooth and fair testing experience, please review the following rules and procedures with your coaches, volunteers and students:
Before the Test Begins:

  • Introduce yourself and other proctors.
  • Take attendance.
  • Distribute test booklets, answer cards, and pencils.
  • Explain the rules to students.
  • Instruct students to write their names and grades on the test booklet.
  • Set the timer for 75 minutes.
  • Ensure special accommodations are in place, if applicable.

During the Test:
  • Students must obey test proctors and follow all rules.
  • No talking, noise, or distractions.
  • Students should raise their hands if they have a question and wait for a proctor to come to them.
  • No item sharing (including pencils, scratch paper, etc.).
  • No looking at other students' work.
  • Desks should only have writing utensils, scratch paper, the answer card, and the question booklet.
  • No food or drinks (except bottled water).
  • Phones must be silenced and put away.
  • No calculators are allowed.

After the Test:
  • Collect all test booklets, answer cards, and scratch paper.
  • Dismiss students in an orderly fashion to the Quad Area. Map of Fairfax is coming soon!

Proctoring & Logistics
  • Parent proctors may not proctor their child’s test room.
  • Student-to-proctor ratio: 2 adults per 25 students.
  • If space allows, all grade levels can be in the same room. We need to stagger students so they are not sitting next to someone taking the same test as them. I will let you know to what building your school has been assigned to at Fairfax HS.
  • Check-in process: Assign one person at the door for attendance and another person to monitor the room.
  • Student questions during the test: Proctors may not read or explain test questions.
  • Early finishers: Students may quietly recheck their answers or sit quietly. You may decide if they are allowed to read a book or color, as long as it does not disturb others.
  • If a student becomes overwhelmed, encourage them or allow them to step outside briefly.
  • If a student refuses to complete the test, encourage them, but do not force them.

Materials & Supplies
  • Only No. 2 pencils (provided by Region West) are allowed.
  • No multi-colored pencils or pens.
  • Test materials will be available online after May 1st.

Test Scoring, Results, and Prizes
  • Results will be available on May 1st at in students' individual accounts.
  • Students will not receive results immediately after the test.

Test Day Specifics
📸 Photography: A group picture will be taken after testing. If time allows, a photo will also be taken in the auditorium during the Pep Rally.
📜 Test booklet return: Students cannot take their test booklets home immediately. They will be returned after April 1st.
🥨 Snacks: While Region West will provide a snack, schools are responsible for ordering student lunches.
T-Shirt Funding Update
We are currently waiting for confirmation from our Regional Office to see if Region West will fund t-shirts this year. T-shirts were not included in the competition fee this year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Once I complete the program for the day, I will share it with you. Thank you for your dedication in making this event a success for all participating students!

Kind Regards,


Diana Albanez, Ed.D

Professional Development Coordinator, Elementary Math

Region West

11380 W. Graham Place 

Los Angeles, CA 90064 

email: [email protected]

office: 310-914-2147

cell: 323-285-2120 (call or text)

*Please leave a message if I am not available


Schoology Group Codes:

Region West Elementary Mathematics: FQVF-6HKS-QPKCN

Region West Interventionists: 8QPZ-5XWD-QJTBW

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