LAUSD-UCLA Collaborative (Choi, Bradshaw, & Bozin)

LAUSD-UCLA Collaborative (Choi, Bradshaw, & Bozin)

Dear UCLA-LAUSD Collaborative Principals,

We are excited about our Winter General Body Collaborative Meeting. We would love to have a principal present best practices aligned to collaborative goals at our General Body meeting coming up February 6, 2025, at UCLA.  This is a great opportunity to highlight what is happening at your school. Let's showcase your amazing work.   

We are thing 10 to 15 minutes to let the schools learn form you!

Please let Shana or me know if you are interested in presenting. 

Some ideas are: 
AP enrolment
Academic support
AP Classes 
College fairs

Pamela Enriquez



Pamela Enriquez
AEA Specialist,  Access, Equity and Acceleration
Multilingual Multicultural Education Department (MMED)

Office of the Chief of Specialized Programs
333 S. Beaudry Avenue, 25th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
office: (213) 241-3375 | email: [email protected]

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